Whether it’s an established portfolio piece or a brand new, bespoke programme, our development process ensures that we always find the most effective way to deliver your messages.

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  • We work closely with our clients to learn more about their needs and what it is they’re looking to achieve

  • Our clients are involved throughout the writing and programme design phase of the project.

  • We deliver a pilot session to stress test all aspects of the programme in a live environment

  • We discuss the feedback from the pilot session and decide next steps to develop the programme

  • We develop the programme and deliver the first live workshop. By constantly evaluating the feedback we are able to organically develop the programme wherever necessary

  • Ferrovial
  • South Western Railway
  • CECA
  • Kier
  • Southern Water
  • Siemens
  • Eurostar
  • BAM
  • Mott Macdonald
  • Yorkshire Water
  • British Airways
  • National Highways
  • AWE
  • Harbour Energy
  • Jaguar Landrover
  • Urenco
  • Vanderlande
  • Shell
  • Sellafield Sites Limited Logo
  • Network Rail
  • UK Power Networks
  • Heathrow
  • Rolls-Royce
  • NWS
  • NATS
  • Mace
  • NDA
  • GSK
  • NHS Providers
  • LVNL
  • NATS
  • Jaguar Landrover
  • Rolls-Royce
  • CECA
  • Urenco
  • Sellafield Sites Limited Logo
  • Mott Macdonald
  • South Western Railway
  • National Highways
  • Yorkshire Water
  • Harbour Energy
  • Kier
  • GSK
  • Heathrow
  • Eurostar
  • NHS Providers
  • British Airways
  • Vanderlande
  • NWS
  • NDA
  • Siemens
  • BAM
  • LVNL
  • Ferrovial
  • Southern Water
  • Network Rail
  • Shell
  • AWE
  • UK Power Networks
  • Mace

popular faqs

I have less/more than 50 employees, can AKT help me?

We can indeed. AKT can deliver workshops in almost any venue, room or space. We’ve run programmes for groups ranging from 2 people in a training room, to an auditorium filled with an entire workforce of 1,200. We can tailor our sessions to suit your needs, timeframe and attendee numbers, and we always ensure that no matter how large or small the group is, everyone is engaged and has an opportunity to have their views and opinions heard. And if circumstances mean you need to deliver your training remotely, AKT Online is a highly cost effective way to reach people who are based around the country, or the world, who aren't able to come together in the same room. We have a number of portfolio pieces which have been successfully delivered online, or we can work with you to create bespoke programmes to suit your specific organisational needs. If you think we can help you to deliver your safety messages either live or online send us an email and we can have a chat.

Can you deliver online training?

Yes we can. If your workforce is located throughout the country (or the world) or people are working from home, AKT Online offers a range of tried and tested portfolio programmes which have been successfully delivered online and are highly cost effective. We can also work with you to create bespoke programmes to suit your specific organisational needs, as we have done for a number of our clients, and we are able to deliver on many popular platforms including Microsoft Teams, Adobe Connect, Zoom and GoToTraining. However, if you have an alternative preferred platform we're more than happy to deliver on that as well. If you'd like to discuss ways in which AKT Online can help you deliver your safety training online send us an email and we can have a chat.

We’re looking to deliver a series of events, can you help?

Absolutely. Over the years we’ve run a large number of rollouts for many clients across various industries. Whether it’s 3 or 4 events in a week (or over a few weeks) or one event per month for a number of years, AKT will work closely with you to ensure consistency and programme integrity throughout the life of the rollout. And if the session needs to evolve over time that’s no problem either; we can adapt the workshop to suit your needs as and when required. And if circumstances mean you need to deliver your training remotely, AKT Online is a highly cost effective way to reach people who are based around the country, or the world, who aren't able to come together in thesame room. We have a number of portfolio pieces which have been successfully delivered online, or we can work with you to create bespoke programmes to suit your specific organisational needs. If you think we can help you to deliver your safety messages either live or online send us an email and we can have a chat.