AKT blog
AKT filming for an online workshop
One of our clients asked us to adapt the live safety programmes we’d been running prior to the pandemic, into online sessions which their teams could attend remotely. After filming the scenes on location we put the programme together and it has proved to be a huge success.
AKT filming for an online workshop rollout
A number of our clients wanted to continue the programme rollouts we were running prior to Covid-19, but run them remotely rather than live. We decided the best way to deliver this was to film the scenes in high definition so they could be used as part of a facilitated online programme.
AKT films its first online scenarios
In response to the pandemic and our clients’ needs, AKT developed some online programmes to enable companies to maintain their safety training through these difficult times. Filming on location would’ve been tricky so we used a greenscreen studio and added the backgrounds in post.
AKT remembers Piper Alpha
I visited the North Sea Memorial Rose Garden in October 2018 before we delivered our very first Piper Alpha workshop in Aberdeen, and seeing the 167 names on the plinth had a profound effect on me.
AKT leaves Waterloo
Having been in our Waterloo office for 9 years and outgrown it, the decision was made in November 2019 to give our 6 months’ notice and look for new premises. We were days away from signing the lease on a great new office when Covid-19 came along and changed everything.
AKT Coffee Hours
To ensure that all our associates still feel connected to AKT and to each other, we started holding a virtual Coffee Hour every Thursday morning.